
Check out how was the mega import operation of 14,000 tons of products in a Break Bulk vessel chartered by Quantum Logistics.


Quantum Logistics is a true specialist in Project Cargo operations.

We’ll share now, one of our successful cases.
A special project that required the international shipping of 14,000 tons of products into Brazil.

Just to have an idea of the operation’s size, the total weight shipped is equivalent to 12 Christ Redeemer statues, and required a total of 423 flatbed trailers for road transport.

Due to this magnitude, our team of specialists chartered a break bulk vessel.

After signing the charter party, it took us only three weeks to line up the ship at the port of loading.

In Brazil, the entire offloading operation took less than three days, and each lift had an average weight of 2 tons.

We took care of all details, settling a lot of energy and dedication in each action.
We understand everything you need to go much further.

Watch the full video here.

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